Math Demos
Directory List
AStarSearch3DManeuverDemo: Demonstrate A* for a close orbital maneuver.
AStarSearchGrid1Demo: Test AStarSearch using a grid with obstacles.
AStarSearchGrid2Demo: Test AStarSearch using a grid with more obstacles.
AStarSearchManeuverDemo: Demonstrate A* for a close orbital maneuver.
AStarSearchOrderGridDemo: Test AStarSearch using a grid with randomly placed obstacles.
AStarSearchRandomGridDemo: Test AStarSearch using a grid with randomly placed obstacles.
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SimplexConstraintRelaxationDemo: Solve an infeasible LP with simplex through constraint relaxation
SimplexScalingDemo: Solve a linear program with Simplex. Illustrate the need for scaling.
THyperG: Demonstrate hypergeometric functions.
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DCMotorSim: Simulates 2 DC Motors with failure detection logic.
DetectionFilterBuilderDemo: Simulate a detection filter using the DetectionFilterBuilder GUI.
FDIROLASim: Test Fault Diagnosis using online approximators.
OrbitFDIRDemo: Demonstrate an orbit detection filter for a spacecraft with one thruster.
OrbitFDIRPulseDemo: Demonstrate an orbit detection filter with random thrust pulses.
SpinnerFDIRDemo: Demonstrate a detection filter for a spinning spacecraft.
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DoggyProblem: Demonstrate the BinomialTheorem for the doggy problem.
GunProblem: Demonstrate the BinomialTheorem for the gun problem.
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