This is an index of the published demos of the Spacecraft, Aircraft, and Core Control Toolboxes. For more information see our website at
CASDesign: Design a simple aircraft control system consisting of a pitch rate tracking system.
F16CAS: Test a pitch rate control augmentation system.
ACControl: Demonstrate aircraft control using the AircraftControl function.
CActuator: Try different control responses with a first order lag modeling the actuators.
CResponse: Try different control responses with ideal actuators.
CTSim: Simulate an F16 performing a coordinated turn.
Fly: Fly an F16.
RigidBodyDemo: Simulate the linear and angular states of a rigid body using "AC.m"
Trim: Trim an F16
BuildF16: Build the F16 Model.
AirlinerDesign: Hypersonic airliner design.
CostModel: Demonstrate use of the cost model
GroupMassStatement: Design an aircraft.
JetEngineAnalysisDemo: Demo JetEngineAnalysis
JetEnginePerformanceDemo: Demo JetEnginePerformance
PropellerPowerVsV: Power vs. velocity for a propeller
BuildFlatPlateAircraft: Create a flat plate vehicle with two flaps
FuelConsumption: Approximate daily fuel consumption for a notional hypersonic airliner
RamjetConstantQ: Compute ramjet thrust for a constant dynamic pressure trajectory
StagnationTempDemo: Compute / plot the stagnation temperature vs. mach for several altitudes
TakeoffAndLanding: Compute takeoff and landing distances for a notional hypersonic airliner
AircraftTrajectoryControlSim: Script to simulate aircraft trajectory control
ConcordeComparison: Compare Concorde with the CL and CD functions.
NewtonianAeroDemo: Compute the L/D ratio for flat surfaces in hypersonic flow.
SkinFrictionDemo: Skin friction and supersonic lift and drag.
Gust: See the response of an F16 to a gust using a state space model.
F135Engine: Model of the Pratt & Whitney F135 Engine.
GenerateEngineTables: Generate ramjet and turbofan data.
JetFlightDemo: Aircraft takeoff demo.
RamjetDemo: Demonstrate a ramjet.
SteadyClimb: Simulate a steady climb.
AIRCSim: Longitudinal simulation using the AIRC aircraft model.
CCVEV: Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using a CCV Model
CCVPitchPointing: Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using an STOVL Model for transition.
L1011EV: Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using a CCV Model
L1011EVConstraints: Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using an L1011 STOVL Model.
LQLTR: Demonstrate linear quadratic regulator with loop transfer recovery.
LQOF: Demonstrate linear quadratic output feedback.
OH6ABryson: Run a linearized simulation of the OH6A.
OH6ASim: Run a linearized simulation of the OH6A.
RollingMissileSimulation: Rolling missile simulation
STOVLEV: Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using an STOVL Model
STOVLLatTransitionEV: Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using an STOVL Model for transition.
STOVLLonHoverEV: Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using an STOVL Model
STOVLLonTransitionEV: Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using an STOVL Model for transition.
STOVLTransitionEV: Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using an STOVL Model for transition.
Atmosphere: Generate plots and a latex table of atm. properties across altitude.
AircraftSim: Simulate the trajectory of the aircraft
NOAAWindDemo: Demonstrates NOAA Wind Model for obtaining wind data and plotting it.
AtmosphereModelCompare: Compares atmosphere models
DataGenNRLMSISE: This file is used to generate data for AtmNRLMSISE.m
NRLMSISTest: This file replicates the test case from:
AirshipControlDemo: Demonstrate feedback control of an airship.
AirshipLinModDemo: Compare linear and non-linear simulations of an airship.
AirshipAeroDemo: Demonstrate the AirshipAero function.
AirshipDemo: Simulate the airship dynamic model.
FlyAirship: Fly an Airship.
DisturbancesDemo: Example CubeSat disturbance analysis
DisturbancesSolarWings: CubeSat disturbance analysis with deployable solar panels
MagneticControlDemo: Magnetic control demand analysis
MagneticHysteresisControl: Simulate magnetic control
NanoSatSimulation: Demonstrate NanoSat attitude control reaction wheels.
CubeSatTiltedWings: Design a 3U CubeSat with Tilted Wings
DesignMagneticTorquer: Design an air coil magnetic torquer for a CubeSat.
AttitudeProfileDemo: Demonstrate the AttitudeProfile function.
NanoSatNearISS: Show ISS and NanoSat models with AnimateSpacecraft
OrbitAndSensorConeAnimation: Demonstrate the playback of multiple orbits and moving sensor cones.
RepeatingGroundTrackDemo: Compute and simulate a repeat ground track orbit
BatterySizing: Compute the power storage requirements for a CubeSat.
CubeSatPowerDemo: Power computation over several orbits.
AnimateISSAndNanosat: Animate a nanosat near the ISS
FFSimDemo: Demonstrate the use of FFSim to analyze disturbance effects.
CubeSatGGStabilized: Demonstrate a CubeSat with gravity gradient stabilization.
CubeSatLunarMission: Lunar Mission Demo
CubeSatRWASimulation: Demonstrate CubeSat attitude and power dynamics with reaction wheels.
CubeSatSimulation: Demonstrate a CubeSat attitude and power system dynamics.
MagneticHysteresisOrbit: Magnetic hysteresis over multiple orbits.
MomentumManagement: Demonstrate simple dipole based momentum management
RadiationDisturbance: Radiation pressure disturbance demo.
TubeSatSimulation: Demonstrate a TubeSat attitude and power system dynamics.
TwoSpacecraftOrbitSimulation: Demonstrate a 2 satellite CubeSat constellation.
TwoSpacecraftSimpleOrbitSimulation: Demonstrate a 2 satellite CubeSat constellation
CubeSatFaceTemperaturesDemo: Demonstrate temperatures of faces of a CubeSat
IsothermalCubeSatDemo: Isothermal satellite demo
AssignmentDemoMvr: Extension of AssignmentDemo to include collision monitoring.
CoarseProbDemo: Coarse probability demo
CollDetectSim: Simulation for testing the collision monitoring algorithms.
CollMonDemo: Collision monitoring demo.
CollisionCompareDemo: Collision monitoring demo: compare CollisionSurvey and coarse methods.
DistantPtToEllDemo: Ellipsoid minimum distance demo
ReconfigCollisionDemo: Collision monitoring demo for highly eccentric reconfiguration.
SetProbabilityDemo: Set membership probability demo. Verify shape of function.
EccentricControlAnalysis: Analyze the performance of relative orbit control in eccentric orbits
ExampleFFAnalysis: Demonstrate the use of FFMaintenanceSim to analyze disturbance effects.
LQGEccDemo: Demonstrate LQG control of relative motion in an eccentric orbit
LQGOrbitControlDemo: Relative orbit control using LQG
RotateStateDemo: Demonstrate the RotateState function
TransECIToHills: Two orbits are initialized with a small inclination difference. The orbits
FFHEOSolarDist: Simulate relative motion in a HEO orbit with solar pressure disturbance
PropagationExample: Compares the relative motion predicted by propagation of the discrete state-space system with the motion predicted by Hills equations.
RelativeOrbitSeparation: Relative simulation with accelerations to produce an offset in leader-follower frame.
EccTrajDemo: Demonstrate an example relative trajectory with an eccentric reference orbit
FFEccAssignmentDemo: Demonstrate the different solutions found by the optimal assignment method and the privileged assignment method, in an eccentric orbit.
FFEccInitDemo: Demonstrate how relative motion changes when the same relative state is initialized at different true anomalies.
FFEccPropDemo: Compare discrete propagation with continuous solution.
FFEccReconfigDemo: Compute several reconfiguation maneuvers of varying duration for an elliptical reference orbit.
AssignmentDemo: Demonstrate the different solutions found by the optimal assignment method and the privileged assignment method.
DFFReconDemo: Run a formation flying simulation with "DFFSim".
RendezvousSim: Demonstrate rendezvous control with PD or LQ
LPConvergenceDemo: Examine the "convergence rate" for an impulsive LP solution
LPPerformanceDemo: Analyze the performance of the LPEccentric algorithm.
SafeEllipseDemo: Demonstrate the safe ellipse for safe relative orbit guidance
SafeGuidanceDemo: Demonstrate the performance of Safe Guidance Mode
IllustrateEccentricGeometry: Visualization of eccentric relative orbits
Guided3DSimDemo: Guided 3D simulation of an example 4 stage rocket
GuidedLaunch2DDemo: Simulation of a guided launch with GuidedLaunch2DSim
LiftingReentrySimulation3D: A reentry simulation with lift and drag forces. Uses LiftingReentry3D.m
ReentryCartSimulation: A reentry simulation in Cartesian coordinates using LaunchVehicle3D.
ReentrySimulation: A reentry simulation. Uses RHSReentry.m.
GravityTurnDemo: Gravity turn trajectories.
LSQLaunchDemo: LSQ launch demo
LaunchSimulation: Simulate a gravity turn trajectory in 2D.
SSTO3DLaunchSimulation: Launch vehicle simulation for single stage to orbit (SSTO) vertical launch
SSTOLaunchSimulation: Launch vehicle simulation for single stage to orbit (SSTO) vertical launch
SolveGravityTurn: Solve for the initial conditions to perform a gravity turn trajectory.
ISSMission: Explore Single Stage To Orbit (SSTO) for an ISS orbit
LunarTransferSSTO: Plan a simplified lunar transfer assuming you start in a geo transfer orbit.
StructuralFractionSSTO: Compute the payload fraction as a function of structural fraction.
OptimalFPA: Compute the optimal flight path angle as a function of altitude.
TSTODemo: TSTO takeoff demo.
TSTOSimulation3D: End-to-end TSTO launch simulation.
ALASA: Three stage to orbit launch vehicle.
LiftAndDragForUpperStage: Compute lift and drag coefficients for an upper stage.
DatabaseHistograms: Histograms of all available launch vehicle models
OpticalLinkDemo: Create an optical link budget for a Pluto mission.
LinkAnalysis: Link analysis for an earth orbiting spacecraft.
LinkAnalysisMars: Link analysis for a Mars mission
LinkExamples: Examples of link analysis from the reference
RadarAnalysis: Design a radar
VoyagerCommLink: Voyager link analysis
VoyagerLinkBudget: Voyager spacecraft link budget
AlphaCentauriApproach: Analysis of approach orbits to Alpha Centauri binary system
AlphaCentauriFlight: Simulate a mission to Alpha-Centauri.
AlphaCentauriGeometry: Draw the Earth-relative geometry of the Alpha-Centauri binary star system
AlphaCentauriMission: Alpha-Centauri mission
AlphaCentauriMissionDesign: Explore parameter space for straight-line interstellar mission
AlphaCentauriOpticalLink: Create an optical link budget for an Alpha-Centauri mission.
StarshipDesign: Design the starship
AsteroidProspectorMars: Asteroid Prospector Mars mission planning.
AsteroidProspectorSim: Asteroid Prospector Simulation
AsteroidProspectorThrusterLayout: Analyze the thruster layout for the Asteroid Prospector spacecraft
AsteroidProxOpsDemo: Simulate proximity operations around an asteroid.
BuildAsteroidProspector: Build the CAD model of the Asteroid Prospector spacecraft.
DesignAsteroidProspector: Design a mission to visit an asteroid with a small satellite
ComStarAKM: Simulate the AKM firing for the ComStar spacecraft.
ComStarAcq: The acquisition sequence for the ComStar satellite.
ComStarBuild: Generates the mass properties for the ComStar demo satellite.
ComStarDST: Simulate the ComStar dual spin turn.
ComStarDist: Computes the total disturbance torque for the ComStar satellite.
ComStarESAN: Designs earth sensor noise filters for the ComStar satellite.
ComStarPBudget: Demonstrate a pointing budget for a typical satellite.
ComStarPD: Design a PD controller for pitch for the ComStar satellite.
ComStarPMWA: Tests the MWA pitch loop for the ComStar satellite.
ComStarRYLF: Design and test the low frequency roll/yaw control system.
ComStarRYNut: Design and test the nutation compensator.
ComStarSK: Compensate the flexible solar array on the ComStar Spacecraft.
ComStarSPM: Simulate a spin precession maneuver for ComStar.
ComStarSpinup: Demonstrate the automatic spin up for ComStar.
ComStarTransferOrbit: Simulates transfer orbit for ComStar.
FlexModel: Analyze the flexible solar array on the ComStar Spacecraft.
RollYawDoublePivot: Design a roll/yaw controller using a double pivot
FRSSim: Simulate the fast reorientation system.
QPropDemo: Simulate the fast reorientation system and demonstrate quaternion propagation
ArtemisLMCAD: Design a fully reusable lunar lander
DVFromGatewayTo15km: Maneuver from Gateway to 15 km
LoadOrionFile: Demonstrate converting an OBJ model to CAD.
LunarLanderSim: Demonstrate lunar lander guidance
LunarLandingFminCon2D: Test fmincon against an analytical solution for the linear tangent law
LunarLandingOptimize3DLeastSquares: Least Squares Optimization
OptimalLunarLanding2D: Test fmincon against an analytical solution for the linear tangent law
OptimalLunarlanding3D: Test fmincon against an analytical solution for the linear tangent law
LunarLanderCAD: Generate lunar lander CAD model
LunarLanderThrusterLayout: Analyze the thruster layout for the lunar lander
LunarMissionDesign: Lunar mission planning
LunarMissionSim: Lunar transfer simulation
LunarOrbitInsertionDemo: Lunar Orbit Insertion Demo
LunarPolarMissionDesign: Lunar polar mission planning
LunarVisibilitySim: A lunar visibility analysis
MarsMoonSim: Spacecraft simulation around Mars with Phobos and Deimos
DFDPlutoMissionCAD: Generate Direct Fusion Drive (DFD) Pluto Orbiter CAD model
PlutoBeamedPower: Pluto mission beamed power
PlutoDFDMission: Pluto mission delta-Vs using DFD, Lambert solutions
PlutoLander3D: 3D lander simulation at Pluto.
PlutoLanderCAD: Generate Pluto lander model
PlutoMission: Design a Pluto mission using DFD
SunNadirPointingSim: Implements and simulates Sun nadir pointing control.
LunarLandingTRNSim: Lunar Landing NRN Sim
ONSCisLunarSimulation: Simulate ONS for elements of a lunar mission
ONSHelioSimulation: Simulate ONS for elements of a heliocentric mission
ONSLunarMissionDesign: Lunar mission planning
ONSMessengerSimulation: Simulate ONS for a spacecraft that flies by Mercury
ONSSailSimulation: Simulate ONS for a solar sail near the L1 Lagrange point
OpticalNavHorizon: Estimate the orbit position using horizon measurements
OpticalNavSunStars: Optical navigation demo in the solar system
CreateTerrainImages: Create terrain snippets to train and test the deep learning algorithm
LanderNNSim: Simulate a lunar overflight
TerrainNeuralNet: Script implementing the terrain neural net
ImageGeneration: Increase resolution of Apophis
SyntheticTerrain: SyntheticTerrain is a script created to create synthetic terrain
GravityCompare: Compare gravity models
HelioTrajectorySimulation: Set up and run a heliocentric trajectory simulation with two objects.
SpiralToHohmann: Spiral to a Hohmann Transfer to Apophis.
CRTBPExampleTrajectory: CRTBP Example Trajectory
EnergyMin4Body: Energy minimization in the 4 body problem.
LissajousOrbit: Compute the lissajous trajectory about a collinear libration point.
LoadFamilies: Periodic Orbit Families
LowEnergyMission: Low Energy Mission
PeriodicOrbitFamilies: Periodic Orbit Families
PlanetIDDemo: Planet id number from name.
PropagateDemos: Demonstrate propagation functions.
RefineXAxisInterceptDemo: Demonstrates RefineXAxisIntercept
Targeting: Demonstrate targeting
TwoDimensionalEscape: Simulate a low thrust departure from the Earth
MarsOptimalTransfer: Optimal 3D transfer to Mars, continuous thrust.
TrajectoryOptimizationDemo: Demonstrate the 2D trajectory optimization function for low thrust.
ZermeloCostDemo: Compute the Zermelo cost function as a function of costate.
ZermeloOptimization: Demonstrate the Trajectory optimization using the Zermelo problem
ApophisTransfer: Compute a transfer from earth orbit to the asteroid Apophis.
RelativeOrbitControl: Simulates two orbits and applies a relative controller.
TargetDemo: Demonstrates the Lambert targeting function DVTarget.
TestComputeTLE: Test ComputeTLE
ComStarAKMDV: Plan the AKM burn by looking at the AKM thrust variations as a function of temperature.
DragCompensationDemo: Demonstrates drag compensation maneuvers.
EarthDeparture: Simulate a departure from the Earth
GEOStationKeeping: GEO Stationkeeping Example
GeoOrbitSim: Low thrust geo transfer
GeoTransferSim: Low thrust geo transfer simulation
HohmannDemo: Demonstrate a Hohmann Transfer in simulation
InsertionDeltaV: Computes the insertion delta-V for a Hohmann transfer.
JIMOMissionAnalysis: Compute the total delta-V for the JIMO mission
LowThrustMarsMission: Compute the delta-V for a low thrust mission to Mars synchronous orbit.
LowThrustMarsOptimalTransfer: Perform an optimal transfer from earth to mars orbits.
LowThrustOrbitRaising: Simulate an orbit raising from an ISS orbit
MarsHohmannTransfer: Hohmann transfer to Mars.
OrbMnvrDemo: Runs demonstrations of selected orbit maneuver functions.
OrbitPlaneChange: Inclination Change
OrbitSeparationSimulation: Orbit separation simulation with discrete delta-Vs
OrbitSeparationTradeStudy: Orbit separation demo
TDV: Demonstrate the various orbit change functions.
TDVDisp: Compute delta-v dispersions given declination and velocity errors.
TwoBurnGeoTransfer: Delta-V for a Hohmann transfer between LEO and GEO.
TwoStageDesign: Computes a preliminary design of a two stage to orbit vehicle.
ComStarFBudget: Demonstrate a fuel budget for the ComStar satellite.
J2EffectsDemo: Demo of J2 Orbit Effects in Simulation
LunarOrbitSim: Propagate an orbit about the moon. Show the visibility sun, earth, moon.
SunSynchElements: Sun-Synchronous Orbit Demo
TNORAD: Demo two of the five NORAD element propagators.
TwoOrbSim: Generates two orbits and plots their relative positions
DragDemo: Demonstrate drag reentry.
GravityModelDemo: Demonstrate using an external gravity model with PropagateOrbitPlugIn.
IntegrationAccuracyDemo: Integration Accuracy for PropagateOrbitPlugin.
LowThrustDemo: Demonstrate low thrust transfer using PropagateOrbitPlugIn.
OPBatchDemo: Demonstrate using PropgateOrbitPlugin in batch
PropagatorComparison: Integration accuracy study comparing RK4, RK45, and ode113.
TopexDemo: Compare various orbit propagators with a Topex ephemeris.
EarthMoonSunSim: Simulate a spacecraft in orbit near the earth and moon.
EarthOrbitDragDemo: Simple demo to compute drag over one orbit
EarthOrbitSim: Simulates a spacecraft in earth orbit with spherical harmonics.
GeoSim: Using a spherical harmonic gravity model
InterstellarSim: Interstellar mission simulation with a sun gravity assist.
LEOPAnalysis: Perform LEOP (Launch and Early Analysis Phase) analysis.
LinOrbitDemo: Linear orbit simulation. This compares nonlinear with linear.
LowThrustEscapeSim: Simulates a low thrust escape from an earth orbit.
LowThrustHelicocentricSim: Perform a helicocentric simulation from one circular orbit to another.
NBodySolarSystem: Simulate the solar system using an n-body model
RelativeOrbitSim: Simulates two orbits and plots their relative positions.
SolarSailSim: Orbit simulation of a solar sail.
TOrbit: Investigate orbit coordinate systems.
TVarEq: Simulate an orbit using the variational equations.
InterstellarAsteroid: Set up and run the trajectory simulation for an asteroid intercept.
Planet9: Planet 9 orbit
PowerLimitedRocket: Power-Limited Rocket Demo
SLPLComparisonDemo: Compare a constant-thrust mission to optimal linear acceleration
EarthSpiralDemo: Simulates a spiral out from LEO.
MarsOrb: Generates a Mars orbit plot.
OrbViewDemo: Demonstrate the OrbView function.
RelMotionVis: Visualize relative orbital motion in the inertial frame.
SphericalHarmonicPlot: Demonstrate a high order gravity model.
AnimationGUIDemo: Demonstrate the AnimationGUI
ColdGasDemo: Demonstrate cold gas propulsion
DesignThruster: Demonstrate thruster design
PropulsionSystemDesignLEO: Design a propulsion system for a low-earth orbit satellite
TBlodown: Demonstrate blow down. Most satellites use unregulated blowdown systems.
TSolid: Demonstrate a solid rocket motor.
ElectricPropulsionDemo: Design an electric powered transfer vehicle.
OptimalElectricSpacecraft: Generate the optimal electric propulsion system for a given delta-V.
OrionPropulsionDesign: Layout thrusters for the Orion capsule.
GenerateSpinAxisAttitudeData: Generate HSA data for the function LoadAtt
TBAD: Test attitude determination using the batch methods
TCF: Test attitude determination using closed form methods
TKalAD: Attitude determination using a Kalman Filter
BristleFrictionSim: Demonstrate the bristle friction model with a velocity ramp.
CMGDemo: Demonstrate the use of CMGs. Shows how to use a pseudo inverse to distribute torques.
PivotDemo: Simulates a pivot rotation.
RWABristleSim: Test the reaction wheel model with bristle friction.
RWADemo: Demonstrate different RWA models.
RWASim: Simulate a RWA with a PI rate controller.
RWASmartSim: Test the smart reaction wheel model.
SmoothFrictionDemo: Demonstrate the use of the smooth friction model
Attitude3D: Simple sim using a CAD model of the spacecraft to view the attitude.
CubeSatSurfaceModelforDSim: Generates the surface properties needed by DSim for a simple CubeSat 3U.
ExamplePointingBudget: Demonstrate a pointing budget using PBudget.
GimbalControl: Tests a gimbaled thruster stationkeeping control system.
JitterDemo: Displays different kinds of jitter.
LVLHRateDemo: Demonstrate LVLH angular rate for an eccentric orbit
REAControl: Implements a thruster control system. Uses a CAD model of the spacecraft.
RollYawControl: This script explores different roll/yaw controllers.
SCTTutorial: Implements a spacecraft control tutorial.
TPDRes: Study pulse resolution.
Timeline: Space Shuttle attitude timeline
Build3UCubeSat: Build a 3U Cubesat using AddCubesatComponent
BuildAgileSat: Design the Small Agile Satellite.
BuildCassini: Create the Cassini CAD model from DXF data
BuildComsat: Build up a model of a geosynchronous communications satellite.
BuildCylinders: Demonstrate CAD geometry (vectors and rotations) using cylinders.
BuildDXF: Loads in dxf data for Cassini and Huygens, and saves data to mat-files.
BuildFlatPlates: Simple model with two thin plates.
BuildISSCADModel: Create a CAD model of the ISS
BuildLunarModule: Generates a lunar module model.
BuildMAP: Build a model of the Microwave Anisotropy Probe.
BuildNanoSat: Make a detailed demonstration nano-spacecraft with two solar arrays.
BuildSCModelForImaging: Creates a model for the thermal demo.
BuildSatWThrusters: A very simple spacecraft with thrusters and one sensor.
BuildSimpleSat: A very simple spacecraft with one sensor.
BuildSolarSail: Build a solar sail model using BuildCADModel.
BuildSubassembly: Load a dxf file and save it as a subassembly.
BuildTwoArraySC: Make a detailed demonstration spacecraft with two solar arrays.
BuildXYZSat: A very simple 'XYZ' spacecraft with six panels and axes.
CADColorDemo: Demonstrate CADColor
CassiniColorDemo: Demonstrate CADColor using the Cassini orbiter.
CassiniSim: Draws a picture of the Cassini orbiter, Huygens probe, Saturn, and Titan.
GravGradCubeSat: Generates a CubeSat model that is gravity gradient stabilized.
ShuttleSim: Simulate the space shuttle model.
DisturbanceBatchDemo: Run the disturbance model for a spacecraft with two rotating arrays.
DisturbanceFlatPlate: Disturbance analysis of two thin plates.
SCDisturb: Demonstrate disturbance modeling with shadowing.
ConstDyn: Example 4.2 and 4.3 in the reference.
NutationAnimation: Demonstrates rigid body rotation.
NutationSim: Demonstrates nutation and generates an STK attitude file.
RobotArm: Six body simulation of a spacecraft with a robot arm.
TTB: Demonstrate two body dynamics using the two body dynamics model.
TreeCAD: Three body simulation with initialization using the CAD tools.
TreeSim: Three body simulation. The bodies are connected
WireSimG: This script demonstrates the deployment of the wire from the spacecraft.
J70SolarCycle: Demonstrate the J70 atmosphere model over a solar cycle.
J70SunDemo: Demonstrate the J70 atmosphere model.
MagneticFieldDemo: Compare the magnetic field models.
EarthMarsAnimation: Animate the phasing of Earth and Mars over time.
ExampleLEOAnalysis: Demonstrate simple orbit and attitude ephemeris analysis
JPLPlanetDemo: Demonstrate JPL ephemeris for the solar system.
TEarth: Demonstrate earth nutation, precession and rotation.
TEclipse: Computes eclipses.
TPlanets: Demonstrate the planets model.
TerminatorLineDemo: Animate the terminator line through a year
GOESDemo: Demonstrates the GOES Toolbox functions.
CommandPluginDemo: Demonstrate command lists
LaunchGUIDemo: Launch the GUI plug in demo. See the GUIPlugIn folder for the function.
MagControl: Demonstrate the magnetic controllers.
MagSim: Simulate a momentum bias spacecraft with magnetic roll/yaw control.
MagneticControlSim: Demonstrates magnetic control.
MagneticControlSimWithPower: Demonstrates magnetic control and power profiles.
PermanentMagnetSim: Simulate the attitude of a rigid spacecraft with permanent magnet in LEO
GyroDemo: Test the gyro model.
TGyro: Simulate various single degree of freedom gyros.
SCDisturbanceAnalysis: Run the disturbance model in GEO. Uses TwoArraySC.mat
SCFuelBudget: Generate the Spacecraft Fuel Budget.
SCMassBudget: Create a mass budget from a CAD file (SCwRWA.mat).
Lander2D: Landing demo using bilinear tangent thrust programming.
Lander3D: 3D lander simulation.
LunarTakeoff3D: Lunar takeoff demo using bilinear tangent thrust programming.
Takeoff2D: Takeoff demo using bilinear tangent thrust programming.
BLDCMDemo: Brushless DC motor simulation.
DesignAirCoreTorquer: Design and draw an air core magnetic torquer
FrictionComparisonSim: Compare friction models
RWAResponse: Implements and simulates a spacecraft with 3 orthogonal reaction wheels.
AttitudeProfileConstraintsDemo: Demonstrate the AttitudeProfileWithCon function.
DisturbanceModelComparison: Comparison of CubeSat and SCT Disturbance models
SpacecraftWithIMUDemo: 3-axis spacecraft with an IMU simulation
CMGSimulation: CMG demo
EarthTargetPointingSim: Point at an earth target and spin about the pointing vector.
MAPControlSim: Implements and simulates the MAP normal mode control.
NadirSunPointingDemo: An attitude and orbit simulation with reaction wheels.
NutationDampingDemo: Demonstrate controlling nutation and the momentum axis of a spacecraft
SCPointingDemo: Demonstrate a spacecraft in orbit pointing at a target on the Earth
SolarMomentumControl: Controls the momentum in a spacecraft using solar pressure.
SpacecraftWithRWADemo: An attitude and orbit simulation with reaction wheels.
TelescopePointingSim: Simulate a momentum bias spacecraft with a telescope on a roll pivot
ThreeAxisControl: Implements and simulates a spacecraft with reaction wheels and thrusters.
VectorTracking: Demonstrate vector tracking using PID3Axis.
BDipoleVsBMF: Compare the dipole model to the MF model
EuropaEnvironment: Europa atmospheric density and Jupiter magnetic field near Europa.
SolarFluxDemo: Solar flux variation over Earth orbit.
EclipseDurationSunSync: Dawn-Dusk SSO eclipse calculations
ProgramCosts: Compute program costs
DFDMarsMission: Direct Fusion Drive (DFD) Mars Mission using an Orion capsule.
DFDSpaceStation: Direct Fusion Drive-powered space station design.
EuropaMissionDesign: Design the Europa Clipper mission using a nuclear fusion engine.
GPSNavDemo: Demonstrate GPS navigation message model.
GPSTimeDilation: GPS time dilation.
PointCameraDemo: Demonstrate camera pointing. The default 10 deg FOV camera is used.
SolarSystemObservables: Displays navigation observables for two NASA missions.
ZoomLens: Compute the L3 lens position in a Cooke Triplet.
MovingMassDemo: Demonstrate computing moving mass positions
SailVanesDemo: Demonstrate computing angles for a sail with a pair of vanes.
TwoBodyBoom: Demonstrate boom dynamics and control using TBModel/FTB functions.
VaneAnglesDemo: Demonstrate VaneAngles for a CAD model
VaneSearchDemo: Demonstrate computing angles for a sail with four vanes.
BallastMass2Axis: Attitude control of a sail using ballast masses in-plane.
BoomControl: Demonstrate gimballed boom control.
BoomGimbalActuation: Demonstrate gimballed boom actuation with set gimbal commands.
BoomQCRDemo: Demonstrate boom dynamics and control using TBModel/FTB functions.
VaneControl1Axis: Attitude control of a sail using control vanes.
McInnesAngles: Demonstrate McInnes' guidance and coordinate functions.
QSailDemo: Demonstrate sail reference frames in different orbits.
CompareSailBillow: Compare the solar pressure force for flat and billowed circular sails.
CompareSailOptical: Compare the solar pressure force for ideal and nonideal circular sails.
EarthOrbitDisturbances: Demonstrate the solar sail disturbance model in Earth orbit.
HelioDisturbances: Demonstrate the solar sail disturbance model in heliocentric orbit.
SailForceImperfectMaterial: Compare the solar pressure force for uniform and irregular materials.
SailForceWithIncidenceAngle: Compute sail force over incidence angle.
SolarForceDemo: Demonstrate the solar pressure force function using a striped sail quadrant.
AsteroidOrbitDemo: Example orbit propagation problem from an AIAA student challenge.
AttitudeDemo: Sail attitude evolution under disturbances. No orbit dynamics.
BoomMomentumDemo: Verify momentum conservation and rate adjustment for gimbal commands.
LunarHaloSim: Simulate a sail halo about a Lunar Lagrange point. The orbit is unstable.
MovingBodyDemo: Demonstrate the moving body attitude RHS.
NKPlanetSim: Simulate a non-Keplerian orbit in a cylindrical planet-centered frame.
NonKeplerSunSim: Simulate a non-Keplerian sail orbit in a cylindrical sun-centered frame.
SailCombinedDemo: Demonstrate combined simulation for a sail orbiting the Earth.
SampleOrbitContours: Sail orbit contours.
PatchesDemo: Draw representative patches for a sail rotated by cone/clock angles
SailAttitudePlots: Demonstrate sail attitude plots that do not require a CAD model.
SailForcePlots: Demonstrate sail force plotting functions.
SailSimulationPlots: Demonstrate sail simulation plots
ViewSailForceDemo: Demonstrate DrawSailMeshVectors for different sail models.
EarthOrbitLVLH: Earth-orbit sail analysis with sail aligned to LVLH.
GeoOptimalDemo: Simulate a geocentric locally optimal trajectory using the control laws
HeliopauseSimulation: Planar heliopause mission simulation.
HeliopauseWithLaserSimulation: Planar heliopause mission simulation.
L1Diamond: L1 Diamond formation
LocalOptimalSim: Simulate a heliocentric locally optimal trajectory.
OptimalSMADemo: Computes optimal semi-major axis and eccentricity control.
SailSMAChangeDemo: Sail SMA change demo
SMAGuidanceWithBoom: Combined guidance and control demo with fixed rate two-body dynamics.
EarthMagnetotail: Fly near an invariant parabolic manifold and control to the displaced orbit.
GEOGraveyard: Simulate raising to graveyard orbit from GEO.
GeoInclinationKite: Simulate inclination change in GEO orbit.
LEOCombinedDemo: Demonstrate combined simulation for a sail in a LEO 28.5 degree orbit.
LunarHaloDemo: Simulate a solar sail in orbit near the earth and moon.
SPICombinedDemo: Demonstrate combined simulation for the Solar Polar Imager mission.
SPITrajectoryDemo: Solar Polar Imager demo with JPL optimal trajectory data.
ST9CombinedDemo: Demonstrate combined simulation for a sail in ST9 orbit.
ST9Orbit: Simulate semi-major axis change in a dawn-dusk sun-synchronous orbit.
SunCombinedDemo: Demonstrate combined simulation for a sail in interplanetary orbit.
LocallyOptimalTrajectories: Demonstrate locally optimal sail trajectories. Uses equinoctial elements.
NLEqSADemo: Test a nonlinear equation solver for computing cone and clock.
OptimizationTestGrid: Do 10 tests on GAOT, simulated annealing and downhill simplex.
PlotDeJong: Plot the 5 De Jong functions.
PropagationDemo: Orbit propagation test.
Sail2DOptimization: Demonstrate the Trajectory optimization function for sails in 2D orbits.
Sail3DOptimization: Demonstrate 3D optimization.
TrajOptMethodsDemo: Demonstrate additional methods of trajectory optimization
BillowedSquareSail: A billowed, square, nonideal sail in the Y/Z plane.
Build6USail: Build a 6U Sail.
CircularSail: Design a circular nonideal sail with billow using SailMesh.
ConeSail: Cone sail model
Cosmos1: CAD model of the Cosmos-1 solar sail.
ECHOModel: A specular spherical sail, i.e. ECHO-2
FlatCP1Sail: A flat, square, nonideal sail in the Y/Z plane, using CP1 properties
FlatPlate: A flat, square, specular sail in the Y/Z plane.
PlateWithBoom: Design a gimbaled boom specular sail model with two bodies.
PlateWithBoomAndVanes: Design a specular sail model with a control boom and vanes.
PlateWithMasses: Design a specular (plate) sail model with two transverse control masses.
PlateWithVanes: Design a specular (plate) sail model with two control vanes.
QuadBillowedSail: A billowed quadrant sail demonstrating SailMesh. Uses CP1 properties.
S4Deploy: 40 m Scalable Sail, for deployment analysis.
SailWithBoom: Design a gimbaled boom sail model with two bodies.
SailWithFourVanes: Design a nonideal sail model with four control vanes.
SquareGEOSail: A flat, specular sail for GEO simulations.
StripedSail: Design a square sail with four striped quadrants. Uses CP1.
PlanetDemo: Demonstrate JPL ephemeris for the solar system.
S4Deployment: S4 (ATK's scalable sail) deployment demo.
SailMassAndArea: Sail dimensions as a function of payload mass
CovarianceAnalysis: Performs a covariance analysis of different gyros.
KFSunAndEarthTest2: Test a Kalman Filter using a sun vector and the earth vector.
MagSimWithEstimator: Simulate attitude determination for a momentum bias spacecraft.
SunEarthADSim: Test a sun and earth sensor attitude determination system.
SunMagADSim: Test attitude determination with sun, earth and magnetometer.
YRGCDemo: Demonstrate the yaw/roll gyrocompassing system.
EarthOrbitOpticalNav: Demonstrate optical navigation in earth geosynchronous transfer orbit.
OpticalNavEarthMoon: Optical navigation demo in the Earth-Moon system.
OpticalNavRangeAngle: Estimate the orbit position using a range and three stars
TrajectoryLunarOpticalNavigation: Generate a trajectory for optical navigation in the Earth-Moon system
UKFDemoOrbitOpticalNav: Demonstrate orbit estimation using a UKF and optical navigation.
UKFDemoOrbitOpticalNavDeepSpace: Demonstrate orbit estimation using a UKF and planet centroid data.
UKFDemoOrbitOpticalNavLunar: Demonstrate orbit estimation using a UKF and lunar landmark data.
BatchLSQDemo: Demonstrate batch orbit determination
FImageDemo: Demonstrates the image matching algorithm, FImage.
ImageMatchingDemo: Demonstrates the image matching algorithm.
OrbitDisturbanceEstimator: Demonstrates orbit disturbance estimation using linearized equations.
OrbitKalmanFilter: Test the orbit Kalman Filter with omni and GPS measurements.
SeqBatchLSQDemo: Demonstrate Sequential Batch Least-Squares Orbit Determination
StellarNavigationDemo: Test stellar navigation. Uses a random star catalog.
UKFComparison: Compares UKF.
UKFDemoOrbit: Demonstrate orbit estimation using a UKF with full state measurements.
UKFOrbitEstimation: Demonstrate orbit estimation using UKFPredict and UKFUpdate.
UKFOrbitEstimationDoris: Demonstrate orbit estimation using UKFPredict and UKFUpdate.
UnscentedKalmanSmootherDemo: UKF/UKS demonstration.
SampleCentroidImage: Sample Image Generation script
AttDetEKFNoGyroSim: Test a star sensor attitude determination system.
AttDetEKFSim: Test a star sensor attitude determination system with gyros.
AttDetUKFSim: Simulate a star sensor attitude determination system with gyros.
KalmanFilterDemo: Demonstrate a Kalman Filter for a gyro based attitude determination system.
PinholeCameraDemo: Demonstrate the Pinhole camera function
QFromUDemo: Demonstrate QFromU which performs static attitude determination.
StarIDFromImage: Pyramid Star ID from a camera image
StarIDPyramidDemo: Test pyramid star identification with a random catalog
IsothermalUKF: A UKF that estimates thermal parameters for an isothermal model.
IsothermalUKFState: Estimate temperature and external flux using a UKF.
PressureKF: Demonstrate a fuel mass Kalman filter for a blowdown system.
UKFOrbitAnglesDemo: UKF orbit angles
EngineComparison: Compare engines
SRTMDesign: SRT Orbiter and Ferry
SRTMStageCosts: TSTO Ferry and Orbiter costs.
StackLV: Design a two stage to orbit launch vehicle
SCThermalDemo: Demonstrates how to use the thermal modeling package
SimpleBraytonCycle: Analysis of an ideal Brayton cycle
TNet: Demonstrate Thermnet.
ThermalEquilibriumBox: Thermal equilibrium examples.
ThreeNodeNetwork: Demonstrate Thermnet with a three node model.
LQThermalControl: Design a linear quadratic temperature controller
ThermalCube: Create a simple satellite with 6 panels for thermal analysis.
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