MHT Module |
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AutomobileLaneChange | Implements lane change control by pointing the wheels at the target. |
AutomobilePassing | Implements passing control by pointing the wheels at the target. |
KFBilliardsDemo | Billiard demo using a Kalman filter to estimate the ball states. |
UKFAutomobileDemo | UKF automobile demo. |
MHT1DDemo | One dimensional MHT demo. |
MHT1DDemoMS | One dimensional MHT test, two vehicles, random accels, multiple sensors |
MHTAutomobileDemo | MHT automobile demo. |
MHTBilliardsDemo | MHT billiard demo. |
BilliardCollision | Billiard collision model. |
DoubleIntegratorWithAccel | Plant model for a double integrator with an acceleration state. |
RHSAutomobile | Right hand side for a 2D automobile. |
RHSAutomobileXY | Double integrator model for a car. |
RHSBilliards | Billiard ball model. |
MHTGUI | A graphical user interface (GUI) for multiple hypothesis testing (MHT) |
MHTHypothesisDisplay | Display hypothesis data in a console view. |
MHTTrackTable | Generate a uitable object with measurement indices. |
MHTTreeDiagram | Generates a tree diagram for MHT tracks. |
TOMHTTree | Generates the Track Oriented MHT matrix and tree. |
TOMHTTreeAnimation | Animates a TOMHT tree. |
AutoRadar | Automotive (2D) radar. |
AutoRadarUKF | Automotive (2D) radar model for use with UKF. |
MHTInitializeTrk | Initialize the trk data structure. |
ScanToTrack1D | Initializes a new track. |
ScanToTrackAuto | Initializes a new track for an automobile from radar measurements. |
ScanToTrackBilliards | Initializes a new track. |
CheckForDuplicateTracks | Check for duplicate tracks. |
MHTInitialize | Initializes the MHT parameter data structure from parameter pairs. |
MHTTrackMerging | Merges tracks. |
MHTTrackMgmt | Track management algorithms including track reduction and pruning. |
TOMHTAssignment | Track oriented MHT assignment. Generates hypotheses. |
TOMHTPruneTracks | Track-oriented MHT - track pruning algorithm. |
MHTInitialTrackScore | Initialize the track likelihood ratio. |
MHTTrackScore | Track score given a scan of data. |
MHTTrackScoreKinematic | Kinematic track score. |
MHTTrackScoreSignal | Signal track score. |
AddScan | Add a scan to the scan data structure array. |
LLRToProb | Convert log likelihood ratios to probablities. |
MHTDistance | Finds the MHT distance for use in gating computations. |
MHTDistanceUKF | Finds the MHT distance for use in gating computations using UKF. |
MHTLLR | Update the log likelihood ratio. |
MHTLLRUpdate | Update the log likelihood ratio. |
MHTMatrixSortRows | Sort the matrix rows in ascending order. Move the first non-zero entry |
MHTMatrixTreeConvert | Convert from MHT track matrix to tree or tree to matrix. |
MHTTrkToB | Converts a "trk" data structure to a "b" matrix. |
MahalanobisDistance | Compute the Mahalanobis Distance. |
PlotTracks | Plot the track states vs. time. Creates one figure with subplots. |
ProbToLLR | Convert probabilities to log likelihood ratios. |
Residual | Generates residual, measurement matrix and measurement noise matrix. |
SpectralRadius | Compute the spectral radius of a matrix. |
SpectralRadiusJumpMarkov | Compute the spectral radius of a discrete jump Markov system. |
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