FormationFlying Demos

Directory List

Collision Control Coord
Dynamics Eccentric Guidance
LP SafeGuidance Visual


  • AssignmentDemoMvr: Extension of AssignmentDemo to include collision monitoring.
  • CoarseProbDemo: Coarse probability demo
  • CollDetectSim: Simulation for testing the collision monitoring algorithms.
  • CollMonDemo: Collision monitoring demo.
  • CollisionCompareDemo: Collision monitoring demo: compare CollisionSurvey and coarse methods.
  • DistantPtToEllDemo: Ellipsoid minimum distance demo
  • ReconfigCollisionDemo: Collision monitoring demo for highly eccentric reconfiguration.
  • SetProbabilityDemo: Set membership probability demo. Verify shape of function.

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  • EccentricControlAnalysis: Analyze the performance of relative orbit control in eccentric orbits
  • ExampleFFAnalysis: Demonstrate the use of FFMaintenanceSim to analyze disturbance effects.
  • LQGEccDemo: Demonstrate LQG control of relative motion in an eccentric orbit
  • LQGOrbitControlDemo: Relative orbit control using LQG

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  • RotateStateDemo: Demonstrate the RotateState function
  • TransECIToHills: Two orbits are initialized with a small inclination difference. The orbits

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  • FFHEOSolarDist: Simulate relative motion in a HEO orbit with solar pressure disturbance
  • PropagationExample: Compares the relative motion predicted by propagation of the discrete state-space system with the motion predicted by Hills equations.
  • RelativeOrbitSeparation: Relative simulation with accelerations to produce an offset in leader-follower frame.

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  • EccTrajDemo: Demonstrate an example relative trajectory with an eccentric reference orbit
  • FFEccAssignmentDemo: Demonstrate the different solutions found by the optimal assignment method and the privileged assignment method, in an eccentric orbit.
  • FFEccInitDemo: Demonstrate how relative motion changes when the same relative state is initialized at different true anomalies.
  • FFEccPropDemo: Compare discrete propagation with continuous solution.
  • FFEccReconfigDemo: Compute several reconfiguation maneuvers of varying duration for an elliptical reference orbit.

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  • AssignmentDemo: Demonstrate the different solutions found by the optimal assignment method and the privileged assignment method.
  • DFFReconDemo: Run a formation flying simulation with "DFFSim".
  • RendezvousSim: Demonstrate rendezvous control with PD or LQ

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  • LPConvergenceDemo: Examine the "convergence rate" for an impulsive LP solution
  • LPPerformanceDemo: Analyze the performance of the LPEccentric algorithm.

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  • SafeEllipseDemo: Demonstrate the safe ellipse for safe relative orbit guidance
  • SafeGuidanceDemo: Demonstrate the performance of Safe Guidance Mode

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  • IllustrateEccentricGeometry: Visualization of eccentric relative orbits

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