Solar Sail Module
Welcome to the Solar Sail Module Add-On Module for the Spacecraft Control Toolbox (for MATLAB). This help documentation contains many resources to assist you in using this software. We at Princeton Satellite Systems thank you for your interest in our product. You can always find more information on this or any of our other products on our website:
Function API
Sail Function Headers
Folder Index
Sail Demos Index
MovingMassDemo: Demonstrate computing moving mass positions
SailVanesDemo: Demonstrate computing angles for a sail with a pair of vanes.
TwoBodyBoom: Demonstrate boom dynamics and control using TBModel/FTB functions.
VaneAnglesDemo: Demonstrate VaneAngles for a CAD model
VaneSearchDemo: Demonstrate computing angles for a sail with four vanes.
BallastMass2Axis: Attitude control of a sail using ballast masses in-plane.
BoomControl: Demonstrate gimballed boom control.
BoomGimbalActuation: Demonstrate gimballed boom actuation with set gimbal commands.
BoomQCRDemo: Demonstrate boom dynamics and control using TBModel/FTB functions.
VaneControl1Axis: Attitude control of a sail using control vanes.
McInnesAngles: Demonstrate McInnes' guidance and coordinate functions.
QSailDemo: Demonstrate sail reference frames in different orbits.
CompareSailBillow: Compare the solar pressure force for flat and billowed circular sails.
CompareSailOptical: Compare the solar pressure force for ideal and nonideal circular sails.
EarthOrbitDisturbances: Demonstrate the solar sail disturbance model in Earth orbit.
HelioDisturbances: Demonstrate the solar sail disturbance model in heliocentric orbit.
SailForceImperfectMaterial: Compare the solar pressure force for uniform and irregular materials.
SailForceWithIncidenceAngle: Compute sail force over incidence angle.
SolarForceDemo: Demonstrate the solar pressure force function using a striped sail quadrant.
AsteroidOrbitDemo: Example orbit propagation problem from an AIAA student challenge.
AttitudeDemo: Sail attitude evolution under disturbances. No orbit dynamics.
BoomMomentumDemo: Verify momentum conservation and rate adjustment for gimbal commands.
LunarHaloSim: Simulate a sail halo about a Lunar Lagrange point. The orbit is unstable.
MovingBodyDemo: Demonstrate the moving body attitude RHS.
NKPlanetSim: Simulate a non-Keplerian orbit in a cylindrical planet-centered frame.
NonKeplerSunSim: Simulate a non-Keplerian sail orbit in a cylindrical sun-centered frame.
SailCombinedDemo: Demonstrate combined simulation for a sail orbiting the Earth.
SampleOrbitContours: Sail orbit contours.
PatchesDemo: Draw representative patches for a sail rotated by cone/clock angles
SailAttitudePlots: Demonstrate sail attitude plots that do not require a CAD model.
SailForcePlots: Demonstrate sail force plotting functions.
SailSimulationPlots: Demonstrate sail simulation plots
ViewSailForceDemo: Demonstrate DrawSailMeshVectors for different sail models.
EarthOrbitLVLH: Earth-orbit sail analysis with sail aligned to LVLH.
GeoOptimalDemo: Simulate a geocentric locally optimal trajectory using the control laws
HeliopauseSimulation: Planar heliopause mission simulation.
HeliopauseWithLaserSimulation: Planar heliopause mission simulation.
L1Diamond: L1 Diamond formation
LocalOptimalSim: Simulate a heliocentric locally optimal trajectory.
OptimalSMADemo: Computes optimal semi-major axis and eccentricity control.
SailSMAChangeDemo: Sail SMA change demo
SMAGuidanceWithBoom: Combined guidance and control demo with fixed rate two-body dynamics.
EarthMagnetotail: Fly near an invariant parabolic manifold and control to the displaced orbit.
GEOGraveyard: Simulate raising to graveyard orbit from GEO.
GeoInclinationKite: Simulate inclination change in GEO orbit.
LEOCombinedDemo: Demonstrate combined simulation for a sail in a LEO 28.5 degree orbit.
LunarHaloDemo: Simulate a solar sail in orbit near the earth and moon.
SPICombinedDemo: Demonstrate combined simulation for the Solar Polar Imager mission.
SPITrajectoryDemo: Solar Polar Imager demo with JPL optimal trajectory data.
ST9CombinedDemo: Demonstrate combined simulation for a sail in ST9 orbit.
ST9Orbit: Simulate semi-major axis change in a dawn-dusk sun-synchronous orbit.
SunCombinedDemo: Demonstrate combined simulation for a sail in interplanetary orbit.
LocallyOptimalTrajectories: Demonstrate locally optimal sail trajectories. Uses equinoctial elements.
NLEqSADemo: Test a nonlinear equation solver for computing cone and clock.
OptimizationTestGrid: Do 10 tests on GAOT, simulated annealing and downhill simplex.
PlotDeJong: Plot the 5 De Jong functions.
PropagationDemo: Orbit propagation test.
Sail2DOptimization: Demonstrate the Trajectory optimization function for sails in 2D orbits.
Sail3DOptimization: Demonstrate 3D optimization.
TrajOptMethodsDemo: Demonstrate additional methods of trajectory optimization
BillowedSquareSail: A billowed, square, nonideal sail in the Y/Z plane.
Build6USail: Build a 6U Sail.
CircularSail: Design a circular nonideal sail with billow using SailMesh.
ConeSail: Cone sail model
Cosmos1: CAD model of the Cosmos-1 solar sail.
ECHOModel: A specular spherical sail, i.e. ECHO-2
FlatCP1Sail: A flat, square, nonideal sail in the Y/Z plane, using CP1 properties
FlatPlate: A flat, square, specular sail in the Y/Z plane.
PlateWithBoom: Design a gimbaled boom specular sail model with two bodies.
PlateWithBoomAndVanes: Design a specular sail model with a control boom and vanes.
PlateWithMasses: Design a specular (plate) sail model with two transverse control masses.
PlateWithVanes: Design a specular (plate) sail model with two control vanes.
QuadBillowedSail: A billowed quadrant sail demonstrating SailMesh. Uses CP1 properties.
S4Deploy: 40 m Scalable Sail, for deployment analysis.
SailWithBoom: Design a gimbaled boom sail model with two bodies.
SailWithFourVanes: Design a nonideal sail model with four control vanes.
SquareGEOSail: A flat, specular sail for GEO simulations.
StripedSail: Design a square sail with four striped quadrants. Uses CP1.
PlanetDemo: Demonstrate JPL ephemeris for the solar system.
S4Deployment: S4 (ATK's scalable sail) deployment demo.
SailMassAndArea: Sail dimensions as a function of payload mass